What is DNS? Changing DNS in Windows, Linux and Mac

Changing DNS

DNS stands for Domain Name System or Domain Name System. DNS servers are responsible for translating domain names in your IP address, which is the number that identifies the server that sends the request. Simply put, the DNS would a telephone directory in which looking for the name of a person obtain your phone number (89248106100).

How do the DNS for my connection speed?

The DNS only the time involved in establishing the connection between two computers (eg when entering a site). When the browser takes a long time to find a website (in IE it says "Searching site: eldominio.com" in the status bar) is usually either because our primary DNS is down or for some other reason (saturation of users, etc.. ) has a very high response time. The DNS does not influence while transmitting information, such as when you download a file from a web. Therefore, a good DNS to improve browsing speed, but not the transfer.

Should I change the DNS gives me my carrier

In the configuration of TCP / IP can be specified in a list, which we want to use DNS. To resolve a domain name, our system sends the DNS query to the first listed. If you are not operating, is declining and consulting the rest of DNS in the order in which they appear, until it finds one that responds.
Usually occur many times the ADSL connection is operational and yet if we try to access a correct URL gets us "Could not find server or DNS error." This is because at that time all DNS listed are down. To fix this just change the DNS for other than work.
In principle it is advisable to use DNS to our operator as the consultations have to go through fewer nodes and often give a better response time. Only in the event that our operators are busy is convenient to use other external. Another solution is to use public DNS. Often the DNS operators have more than those who give their users and are often less crowded.

Windows 7 and / or Windows Vista

  1. Control Panel> View network status and network tasks
  2. On the left, Change Adapter Configuration
  3. Select the network card you want to change. If you use Wi-Fi will be a wireless network connection, if not, a local area connection. With the right mouse button, Properties.
  4. In Internet Protocol version 4, Properties.
  5. Choose Use the following DNS server addresses and enter the you want.
  6. OK and Close.

Windows XP

Local network properties in Windows
  1. Go to Control Panel> Network Connections
  2. Open the network connection you want to modify
  3. Click the Properties button
  4. Double click on Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)
  5. Select 'Use the following DNS' and enter your computer first.
  6. Click OK


1. Edit / etc / resolv.conf
  nano / etc / resolv.conf 

2. Have similar content to the next

3. Modifies the IP's listed, or add new ones
4. For those IP's remain in effect after a reboot, edit the file / etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, adding at the end the following line:
  supersede domain-name-servers xx.xx.xx.xx, YY.YY.YY.YY;
where xx.xx.xx.xx and YY.YY.YY.YY are, respectively, the IP's of primary and secondary DNS desired.
5. Save the new contents of both files.
6. And finally, for the changes to take effect immediately run in a terminal (with root privileges):
  / Etc / init.d / networking restart

Mac OS X Leopard

  1. Get the Apple icon (top left)
  2. Select System Preferences
  3. Click the Network icon
  4. Click the Advanced button
  5. Access the DNS tab


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