Introduction to Web Accessibility

What is Web Accessibility?

Web accessibility means that people with disabilities will be able to make use of the Web. In particular, when talking about Web accessibility is being referred to a Web design that will allow these people to perceive, understand, navigate and interact with the Web, providing turn content. Web accessibility also benefits others, including older people who have been severely reduced its ability as a result of age.
Web accessibility encompasses many types of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, cognitive, neurological and speech. The document "Using Web Persons with Disabilities" shows how the different disabilities may hinder the use of the Web and includes some scenes of people with disabilities using the Web .
There are millions of people with disabilities who can not use the Web. Currently, most Web sites and Web software have accessibility barriers, making it difficult or impossible to use the Web for many people with disabilities. The more accessible software and Web sites are available, more people with disabilities can use the Web and more efficient help.
But the Web accessibility also benefits people without disabilities and organizations. For example, a basic principle of Web accessibility is flexibility to meet different needs, situations and preferences. This flexibility will benefit all those who use the Web, including people who have no disability but due to certain situations, have difficulty accessing the Web (for example, a slow connection), also would be talking about those People who suffer a temporary disability (eg broken arm), and elderly. The document "Developing a Web Accessibility for your organization" describes the different benefits of Web accessibility, including the profits of companies.

Why Web Accessibility is important?

The Web is a valuable resource for different aspects of life: education, employment, government, commerce, health, entertainment and many others. It is very important that the Web be accessible in order to provide equal access and equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. An accessible Web can help people with disabilities to participate more actively in society.
The Web offers people with disabilities an opportunity to access information and interact.
The document " Social Factors in Developing a Web Accessibility for your organization "addresses how the Web influences the lives of people with disabilities, the digital divide and Web accessibility as an aspect of social responsibility in the company.
Another important consideration for companies is that Web accessibility is a requirement in some cases by laws and policies.
Document Resources Policy Web Accessibility Initiative provides links to resources relating to legal and political factors within businesses, including a list of the most important laws and policies worldwide .

Making the Web Accessible

Web accessibility has always been understood as a Web developer s responsibility. But the Web software also has an important role in Web accessibility. It is important that help software developers to generate and evaluate Web sites accessible to people with disabilities to use.
One of the functions of the Web Accessibility Initiative ( WAI ) is to develop technical guidelines and providing affordable solutions for Web software and Web developers. WAI guidelines are considered as international standards for Web accessibility.
The document " Essential Components of Web Accessibility "describes the different functions of Web accessibility, and how specific improvements can benefit from Web accessibility visible.

Make your website accessible

Making a website accessible can be simple or complex, depends on many factors such as the type of content , size and complexity of the site, as well as development tools and environment.
Many of the features accessible from a site are implemented easily if they are planned from the beginning of Web site development or the beginning of the redesign. Modification of Web sites inaccessible may require a great effort, especially those who are not "tagged" properly with standard XHTML tags, and sites with certain types of content such as multimedia.
The document " Implementation Plan for Web Accessibility " shows the basic steps to enter the accessibility of a Web project. The Accessibility Guidelines for Web Content and techniques documents provide detailed information for developers.

Evaluation of Web site accessibility

When developing or redesigning a Web site, evaluating accessibility early and throughout development can be found at the beginning problems of accessibility, it is easier to solve. Simple techniques, such as changing the settings on a search engine can determine whether a Web page meets some accessibility guidelines. A comprehensive assessment to determine compliance with the guidelines, is far more complex.
There are assessment tools that help accessibility assessments. However, no tool alone can determine whether or not a site meets accessibility guidelines. To determine whether a Web site is accessible, human evaluation is necessary.
The document " Evaluating Web Accessibility sititos "provides guidance on preliminary reviews using techniques to quickly assess some of the accessibility problems that may have a Web site. It also provides general procedures and tips for assessing compliance with accessibility guidelines .


The WAI Web site provides guidelines and resources that help make the Web accessible. These resources range from small summary as the " Brief Guide to creating accessible Web sites "(Translation note: version in Castilian , Catalan and Galician ), to resources on managing accessibility or technical references detailed.
There are other resources from other organizations to make the Web accessible, which can be found through the Web.


"Content" Web, usually refers to information contained in a Web page or Web application, including text, images, forms, sound, etc. In WCAG documents, linked from Introduction to Accessibility Guidelines Web Content (WCAG) , can be more specific definitions.
Web Software includes:
  • Web browsers, media players and other "user agents." For more information, see Getting Started with Accessibility Guidelines for User Agent (UAAG) .
  • Authoring tools for creating Web sites. For more information, see Introduction to Accessibility Guidelines Authoring Tool (ATAG) .
  • Evaluation tools that determine whether a Web site meets the standards and guidelines. For a list of assessment tools, visit assessment tools, repair and conversion for Web content accessibility .
Sometimes people with disabilities to interact with the Web, using software known as assistive technology support.


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